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    Tim Botts original calligraphy of Isaiah 43 verses 18-19, is for sale from Eyekons Gallery, an online resource for the art of Timothy R. Botts. Through his expressive calligraphy Tim Botts presents a creative portrayal of Gods call in Isaiah 43 verses to “do a new thing” and “make a way through the wilderness.” Tim’s word picture helps us perceive and understand God’s call to “cease to dwell on days gone by” and see the “new thing” God is doing in our lives. The Lord our redeemer says, “Cease to dwell on days gone by. Here and now I will do a new thing. Can you not perceive it? I will make a way even through the wilderness.” Calligraphy of Isaiah 43 verses 18-19 by Tim Botts. and Eyekons Gallery are an online source for Tim Botts original art, calligraphy, fine art prints, posters and greeting cards.
    Timothy R. Botts     ORIGINAL CALLIGRAPHY
    Isaiah 43:18-19
    The Lord our redeemer says,
    Cease to dwell on days gone by.
    Here and now I will do a new thing.
    Can you not perceive it?
    I will make a way even through the wilderness.
    Through his expressive calligraphy Tim Botts presents God’s call in Isaiah 43 that He is going to “do a new thing” and “make a way through the wilderness.” Tim’s word picture helps us perceive and understand God’s scripture that asks us to “cease to dwell on days gone by” and see the “new thing” God is doing in our lives and look with faith to our future.
    Original Art  |  Size: 18" x 12"
    Original Calligraphy on Marbeled Paper
    Hand Embelished with Gold Details
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